a - z指数


9月. 18, 2020

Northwest students made connections during the University's annual Student Organization Fair as the academic year began in August. 这所大学的秋季入学人数创历史新高,267名学生, 根据该机构本周的人口普查统计. (摄影:Todd Weddle/<a href='http://v29x.bosthr.com'>全国网赌正规平台</a>)

Northwest students made connections during the University's annual Student Organization Fair as the academic year began in August. 这所大学的秋季入学人数创历史新高,267名学生, 根据该机构本周的人口普查统计. (摄影:Todd Weddle/全国网赌正规平台)

全国网赌正规平台’s total headcount this fall is 7,267名学生, making it the highest enrollment in the institution’s 115-year history, 根据本周大学的秋季人口普查统计.

注册号表示2.3 percent increase from a year ago 和 the third consecutive fall that Northwest will record an increased headcount. 这也是全国网赌正规平台第五次打破第七名,000 mark since passing it for the first time in the fall of 2009.

另外, the University maintains a high retention rate with 75.7 percent of last year’s freshman class choosing to return to Northwest this fall. That mark is the second-highest in the University’s history after Northwest logged a record 77.2018年的保留率为97%.

总人数还包括1人,研究生785人, 哪一个比去年增加了28%.

“这一切都是关于全国网赌正规平台的团队,”全国网赌正规平台校长Dr. 约翰·亚辛斯基说. “学生们, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 合作伙伴, community members 和 all other Bearcats contribute to our expectations of learning, 连接, 有爱心的, 实践文明,展现自尊. We are thankful for Northwest’s br和 ambassadors who help carry our mission 和 story, 和 we are humbled by this record as we continue serving our communities 和 stakeholders.”

西北总裁博士. John Jasinski greeted students as they walked across campus on their first day of classes Aug. 19. (摄影:Todd Weddle/<a href='http://v29x.bosthr.com'>全国网赌正规平台</a>)

西北总裁博士. John Jasinski greeted students as they walked across campus on their first day of classes Aug. 19. (摄影:Todd Weddle/全国网赌正规平台)


说明它的质量, Northwest’s placement rates indicate that 96 percent of bachelor’s degree earners 和 99 percent of master’s degree earners secure employment or continue their education within six months of graduation, 根据最近的数据. Zippia, a career website, names Northwest the best college in Missouri for getting a job.

另外, results of the 2019-2020 Ruffalo Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory show Northwest students enjoy higher satisfaction than national 和 regional peers on all scales. 事实上, 82 percent of all Northwest students report they would repeat their Northwest experience, compared to 75 percent of students surveyed nationally at their respective institutions.

Northwest places a high emphasis on profession-based learning to help graduates get a jumpstart on their careers. Students have opportunities to build their résumés with experiences on campus in nearly every area of study, 包括 霍勒斯·曼实验学校国家公共广播电台附属机构KXCV, R.T. 赖特农场, Mozingo户外教育休闲区 or Knacktive, a student-driven integrated digital marketing communications agency.

Northwest’s attention to student success also is evident in its work with the American Association of State Colleges 和 Universities (AASCU). 华盛顿特区.C., based higher education association selected Northwest to partner with AASCU on an effort to validate student success strategies.

就价值而言,西北 学费中包括课本和笔记本电脑, which is among the lowest in the nation, saving students an estimated $7,200 over four years. 全国网赌正规平台也提供1,200个学生就业岗位, allowing students to earn money while building professional skills through the internationally benchmarked program. 

90%的第一次, 全日制新生可以获得某种形式的经济援助, 包括西北地区的创新 熊猫的优势美国梦补助金 项目. 该大学还提供廉价住房, 和 it implemented a revised rate structure for graduate students that is based on market dem和 和 program offerings rather than a traditional model based on residency.

此外, to help students graduate in four years or less 和 accrue less debt, Northwest’s “Complete 30” initiative encourages students to take a personalized approach to meeting their academic goals 和 complete 30 credit hours during the course of an academic year. 帮助学生实现这一目标, Northwest reduced the number of credits needed to earn a bachelor’s degree from 124 to 120.

“The dedication of our 教师 和 工作人员 is the backbone of our campus 和 one reason we continue to see record enrollment,Jeremy Waldeier, 全国网赌正规平台招生执行主任, 说. “校园社区关注全国网赌正规平台的学生和他们的成功, 和 we truly want to assist our students make the most of their investment in Northwest. Students continue to see the value of attending Northwest 和 underst和 the benefits of becoming a Bearcat.”

Northwest students enjoyed fireworks to celebrate the start of the academic year in August. (摄影:布兰登·布兰德/<a href='http://v29x.bosthr.com'>全国网赌正规平台</a>)

Northwest students enjoyed fireworks to celebrate the start of the academic year in August. (摄影:布兰登·布兰德/全国网赌正规平台)


全国网赌正规平台秋季新生入学人数为1人,221, 和 42 percent of those students identify as first-generation college students.

另外, 西北报道1,182名学生, 占学生总数的12%, identify with underrepresented groups or hail from countries outside the United States. 全国网赌正规平台国内少数民族学生总数为892人, which represents 12 percent of the student body 和 a 4 percent increase since last fall.

The University’s enrollment includes 290 international students, 他们占全国网赌正规平台学生总数的4%. They represent 39 countries with most of those students coming from India, 尼泊尔, 尼日利亚, 巴西和中国.

而该大学的州内学生人数为4人,858名学生, 与一年前相比增长了4%, Northwest students hail from a total of 44 states this fall as the institution continues to draw well from Iowa, 内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州.

远离全国网赌正规平台在玛丽维尔的主校区, the number of students enrolled in online-only 项目 increased by 34 percent to 1,856名学生. At Northwest-Kansas城市, 大学在哪里提供一系列的课程, 包括双学分课程和学位完成课程, 402 students are enrolled; Northwest expects that number to increase as additional high schools begin their school years with delayed starts due to the COVID-19 p和emic.

Northwest students remain academically strong with an average ACT score of 22, 哪个超过了州和全国平均水平, 高中平均绩点是3分.45.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

